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Professional help

This Is an Old Post from about 2 years ago that I forgot to publish, I will follow up on my experiences with professional help. Well I've decided it was time I consult a professional to seek help. I've been going back and forth with the idea for some time now but finally realized it was time. After much research I finally settled on 2-3 different psychologists. I also obtain a list of recommended psychologists through my medical insurance. Did a little homework on psychologists I liked and settled on one. I was actually a bit nervous going in but knew it was something I needed to do. The initial consultation is just a meet and greet to see if I will be a match, am comfortable, and they are able to help me. I'm glad to repot that I am very comfortable with her and she strongly believes that she can help without medication. I am strongly against taking medication unless absolutely necessary (ie. cannot function on a normal day and begins affecting your job). My psychologi
Recent posts

has it really been over a year

Where did the time go?! Im officially back and ready to get to work! I went through and re-read many of my old posts tonight and can't believe how far I've come. Even if nobody ever reads this, it leaves me with a great journal! I will be posting a full update tomorrow, I cannot write much more on this tablet! Goodnight.

Anxious Days lately

Blah. My anxiety has been running rampant this past week and I cannot seem to figure out why. It could be because I have a vacation coming up, possibly nervous about traveling? I've never been to Mexico, where I'm traveling to, but don't think I my mind should be racing. And whats even more puzzling is the thoughts in my mind aren't even related to my trip! I've been thinking about my life, my career path, Am I crazy, Is everything ok.....the normal stuff. What is my mind trying to tell me that needs some adjustment? We've got some lay-offs happening at work which only started this week which can add to it but I've accepted the fact that if I were to get laid off I'd be alright with that, its honestly out of my control! The worst part about not having a job if it were to happen is staying home. Work for me is a get out of the house and interact activity, I get to work with different people on a daily basis and its something I truly enjoy. We've b

4 Month Hiatus

Oh how time flies! Where have I Been? Whats been going on? How are things going? Let's start with where I've been: This summer was actually pretty relaxing for me. I didn't do too many exciting thing, a spontaneous trip or two here and there, which was good. This was my first summer working full time at my new job so I really didn't have much vacation time! Had a few trips up to Las Vegas which was great, tried my luck this time at an actual cards table which was good.....didn't win but didn't lose! And to wrap up summer I took a trip to SoCal with a girl who was a friend but we ended up briefly dating and that didn't end well. Didn't really get to spend much time at the Lake's here in Arizona like I did last summer but there's always next year! This was my first REAL Arizona summer and let me tell you it was HOT. Last year was a joke compared to this year. But its coming to an end now and we've got a solid 6-8 months of awesome weather rig


I've come to terms with the fact that I am a HUGE procrastinator! I've been meaning to post updates months ago and kept telling myself I will do it, I will do it, but never did it! OK so I left off with me talking one of my notorious mini vacations up to the snowy California mountains. Let me tell you that was quite a trip and California is always a good time with great friends, I was bummed I had to leave on Sunday night while everyone left on Monday. After I got back things at my job were going great. As you know I've been working as a consultant since November and enjoy what I do. A good friend of mine at work informed me that he was interviewing for another internal position, but I didn't think much of it at the time. Come to find out a few weeks later that he actually got the position was transferring. You're asking why this is important? I was bumped up to a full-time employee (hooray)!!! I've been in this new state a little over a year and work has been

Mini-Vacation weekend!

Hey everyone, Sorry about my absence around here lately. I've been extremely swamped at work with project after project and long days. I'm excited to announce that I will be going on a Mini Vacation this weekend. Taking a day or two off work and heading up to the mountains with some friends to snowboard and just generally relax! Hopefully I will get some time to blog a bit more. Quotes coming up tonight, stay tuned.

Should you Focus on anxiety?

So there's a question that has been in my head for the last few days that I wanted to share with everyone. Should you read about anxiety (treatments, symptoms, ect.) even when you've found your own way to manage it on a daily basis? The reason I ask is because personally I've found ways to deal with my own anxiety on a daily basis when it rears it's ugly head. Some days are worse than other but I manage to get through my day. But I sometimes wonder should I be doing more? I'd love to read more about anxiety but there are times when reading about it will trigger an attack which we all know isn't pleasant. Drop your comments below to weigh in on the subject, I will be posting this question on a few message boards to get some feedback. Stay tuned!